Ethical Hospitality

Isla Bank House is a member of The Sustainable Highland Hospitality Micro-Association (SHHMA). A geographically-specific association of privately-owned small hospitality businesses throughout the Scottish Highlands who maintain high levels of ethical and sustainable practice in all aspects of business.
What it does
The SHHMA is not a company, does not employ anyone, does not charge any subscription and does not make any money. It is simply an association of like-minded small business owners who agree to be guided by the following principles:
We have moved away from fixed-temperature centrally heated hospitality toward customer-driven heating of discreet spaces thereby significantly reducing wasted heat/fuel expenditure and environmental impact. - EFFICIENT FOOD MILES
While it is not always possible to buy everything from local suppliers we will always try to prioritise local producers and their products and will only buy from non-local retailers where we have no practical alternative. Growing our own produce where it is not otherwise available is best. - COMMUNITY DRIVEN
As small businesses we place a great importance on our place in our local communities and can always be seen to support a wide variety of community projects, education, local farmers, producers and other small businesses. - NEW IS NOT BEST
Shiny new electric cars are NOT better for the environment than keeping your old petrol/diesel vehicle in a rural environment. We support the repair/re-use/recycle policy throughout our businesses.
If you own a small hospitality business in or around the Scottish Highlands, agree with the above practices and would like to join us then drop Nick a line: